2018 Charlemont Grants now open: international Postdoc travel grants

The Royal Irish Academy’s Charlemont Grants are now open for applications.

The Royal Irish Academy strongly supports the promotion, sustainability and communication of Irish research and aims to deliver its own vision of championing Irish research on an international scale. The scheme is open to postdoctoral researchers who are not more than seven years past the awarding of their PhDs at the start of the term of the grant period. The scheme allows postdoctoral researchers to apply for up to €2,500 for a clearly defined piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on the completion of the project.*

Reasons for applying

The Charlemont Grants are unique in offering young Irish researchers the opportunity to travel internationally, make important connections and further their research networks in any discipline.
Common benefits include:
• successful joint publications in prestigious academic journals
• access to training in technology and infrastructures not available in Ireland
• career development of grantees including internal promotions
• the leverage of connections formed to successfully compete for domestic and international research funding

Submission deadline:
23:55 (GMT) on Wednesday, 11October 2017
*Further information on eligibility can be obtained from www.ria.ie

For further details and to apply, please go to https://www.ria.ie/news/grants-and-awards-charlemount-grants/2018-charlemont-grants-now-open

Conference: 7th Annual Tudor & Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference, 18-19 August 2017

The 7th Annual Tudor & Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference will be held at the Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, on 18-19 August 2017.

This year’s programme features plenary addresses by Professor Patricia Palmer (Maynooth University) and Professor Chris Maginn (Fordham University), as well as a special panel session, ‘Visualising Early Modern Ireland’.

Registration costs €20 for speakers/students/unwaged and €30 for fully waged.

The conference dinner will take place on Friday, 18 August at 7pm in Kirby’s Restaurant, Cross Street Lower, Galway. The cost of dinner is €35 (3 courses and a glass of wine/beer).

For registration and further details please see the conference website: https://tudorstuartireland.com/2017-conference/

cfp. 32nd Irish Conference of Historians

The 32nd Irish Conference of Historians will take place at University College Cork, Thursday 26-Saturday 28 April, 2018. The theme of the conference will be Sex, sexuality & reproduction: historical perspectives.

As well as papers/panels that address the historiography of sex, sexuality and reproduction, and the historical/theoretical debates that have enlivened the field, we welcome proposals in, or germane to, the following broad subject areas:

  •  sexual behaviours  and practices
  •  sexual orientation and gender identity
  •  the body
  •  marriage and relationships
  •  celibacy
  •  transgression, deviance and taboos
  •  sexual violence, coercion and crime sex, race and colonialism
  •  class, sex and sexuality
  •  sex, war and revolution
  •  prostitution
  •  sex, sexuality and reproduction in folklore, art, literature, film, theatre, the  media, music and dance
  •  pornography, erotica and sexual imagery
  •  censorship
  •  sex education
  •  psychology, psychoanalysis and sexology
  •  morality, religion, and ideology
  •  politics and the law
  •  regulation, criminalisation and resistance
  •  LGBT histories
  •  activism and social movements
  •  sexual health and STDs
  •  pregnancy and childbirth
  •  abortion and contraception
  •  infanticide
  •  eugenics and population control
  •  reproductive rights and technologies
  •  midwifery, obstetrics and gynaecology
  •  breastfeeding
  •  parenthood, childhood and the family

Both panel and individual proposals are welcome. Please send individual paper proposals (a 200- to 300-word abstract) and panel proposals (300-word overview + 200- to 300-word abstracts for the papers) to the conference email: irishch32@gmail.com or c/o Donal Ó Drisceoil, School of History, University College Cork, Ireland.

Deadline: 31 Jan. 2018

For further details please see flyer Irish Conference of Historians 2018 CFP

cfp. Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, Annual Conference, 2017

The annual conference of the Economic and Social History Society will take place at the Central Bank of Ireland, Dublin, on 16 and 17 November 2017. The theme of this year’s conference is “Globalisation, Identity and Prosperity in Irish History”, but submissions on other topics are also encouraged.

Proposals should consist of a one-page abstract and should be sent by Friday 15 September 2017.

Full details can be found at the society’s website:


1917 Civil War Conferences in Moscow, September 2017


As a member of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH-ICHS) the ICHS will be attending that body’s General Assembly in Moscow in September 2017. There it will be the guest of the National Committee of Russian Historians. The NCRH, CISH-ICHS and local Russian scholars are together organising two conferences – on the related themes of the Russian revolution and civil wars more broadly – to run alongside the Assembly. We appreciate not many historians from Ireland may be able to get to Moscow for these events (only one of our committee is going), but thought you might like to see the programmes, which have been circulated in provisional form to us. We will post a report of our experiences on these pages. If anyone would like us to make particular contact with anyone on the programmes, do send us an email, for we would be very pleased to network on your behalf.

‘The Russian Revolution of 1917 and its historical footprint’  MGIMO University, 27-8 September 2017 (International conference)  programme here

‘Anatomy of Civil War’  Moscow Academy of Sciences,  28 September 2017 (CISH-ICHS Symposium)  programme here

Both programmes are published first in French and then in English.