Irish History Online Bibliography upgrade

Irish History Online (IHO) is a comprehensive online bibliography of Irish history. It lists and indexes writings on Irish history published since the 1930s. IHO has been available online since 2004. It includes bibliographic information on books and pamphlets, articles from journals published in Ireland or internationally, and chapters from books of essays, including Festschriften and conference proceedings.

Entries for new material published in 2016 and 2017 are currently being added to the database.

The Irish History Online search screens have recently been upgraded, with enhanced search capabilities. The initial search screen allows keyword searching across the full Irish History Online database. An advanced search facility is available for more specific searches.

Irish History Online is professionally compiled by a team of voluntary editors and compilers, and is hosted and managed by the Royal Irish Academy Library (Dublin). It receives support from the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences and from Irish Historical Studies. It is an essential resource for the study of Irish history at any level, and is free of charge to users.

Contact IHO at

ICHS Relaunch Symposium 29 March 2017

We would like to invite you to a symposium to celebrate our relaunch!

Professor Lawrence Goldman

(Director, Institute of Historical Research, London) will be speaking on

‘Past, Present and Future: Reflections on Modern Historiography’

Professor Marian Lyons (Maynooth) will provide a response

and the event will be chaired by Professor David Hayton (emeritus, QUB)

Wednesday, 29 March 2017


National Library of Ireland, Dublin

FREE                          Everyone Welcome                        Wine reception to follow

The ICHS was founded in 1938 to be the national committee for history in Ireland.

We represent historians in schools, archives, societies, colleges and universities.

Universities Ireland 2017 History Bursaries

Applications are now being accepted for the Universities Ireland 2017 History Bursary. Universities Ireland is offering four bursaries to students undertaking post-graduate study on a topic relating to the 1912-1923 period in Ireland, the decade of the First World War and the division of the island into the states of Ireland (Irish Free State) and Northern Ireland. Applications in 2017 will be particularly welcome from students undertaking work on the impact of the events in 1917 on this island.

The closing date for applications to this bursary will be Thursday 4th May.

 Please visit the following link for further information:

2017 Edward Phelan Lecture

The third annual Edward Phelan Lecture will be delivered by Professor Mary Daly (President, Royal Irish Academy) on ‘Women at Work: the role of the Irish Labour Organisation’. The lecture will be held in the College Hall, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 at 6:30pm.

Edward Phelan Lecture Cover Photo

RSVP: The Registrar, National University of Ireland, 49 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Tel. 01 439 2424 Email:

Guests are requested to be seated by 6.15 p.m.

Full details can be found on the National University of Ireland website here.

UCD Distinguished Lecture Series 2016/17

The next UCD Distinguished Lecture is titled ‘Historical and Policy Perspectives on Gender’. It is by Professor Laura Lee Downs (European university Institute, Florence) and is titled ‘”La piu serena italianizzazione?” Social Action and Nationalist Politics on the Giulian Linguistic Frontier, 1919-1978’.

It will take place at the Humanities Institute of Ireland, UCD on 8 February at 5.30pm.

WHAI/IHS Publication Prize 2017

The Women’s History Association of Ireland has teamed up with Irish Historical Studies to sponsor a prize of €250 for best article in Irish women’s or gender history. Submission of 9000 word articles (including footnotes) to by Sunday 30 April 2017.

Full details of the prize can be found here.

CFP: Southern Irish Loyalism in Context

CFP: Southern Irish Loyalism in Context, 21-22 July 2017 Maynooth University

Organisers invite interested parties to submit a 300 word abstract and short biography (no more than 100 words) to Dr Brian Hughes at by 30 April 2017.

Please find the full CFP here.

IIS at QUB Spring Seminar Series

The Institute of Irish Studies has launched its Spring 2017 Seminar Series. Lectures take place on Mondays at 4:30 pm in the Seminar Room, Institute of Irish Studies, 8 Fitzwilliam Street, Belfast.

The next lecture is on Monday, 13 February 2017 and is given by Aglaia De Angeli (History) on ‘A republic for China and Ireland: a new beginning, 1911-22’.

The full programme can be found here.