Vacancies on IMC Board is currently advertising vacancies on the board of the Irish Manuscripts Commission. They are looking for archivists, genealogists and historians. If anyone is interested in applying, the full details of the vacancy can be found here.


ILHS Spring Discourse February 2017

Spring Discourse Notice revised

The Irish Legal History Society Spring Discourse will be held on Friday 17 February 2017 at 5:30pm in Regent House, Trinity College Dublin. It will be delivered by the Attorney-General for Northern Ireland, John F. Larkin, QC, on the subject of ‘The Irish Convention, 1917-18: centenary reflections’. All are welcome to attend.

Call for Proposals, ICHS-CISH World History Congress, Poznan 2020

The ICHS is a member of the Comite International des Sciences Historiques-International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH-ICHS). CISH-ICHS exists to organize a world history conference every 5 years. The XXIII Congress will be held in Poznan, Poland in late August 2020. CISH-ICHS is now starting the process of inviting proposals for themes in order to structure the Congress programme. Only CISH-ICHS members can submit proposals.

The Irish Committee would like to invite any historian or group of historians working on the island of Ireland to submit proposals for the Poznan 2020 Congress.

The deadline for submission of proposals to CISH-ICHS is 31 January 2017.

For more information about the application process, including the proposal form, click on the links below.

Formal CISH-ICHS call

Proposal form

Irish Committee Invitation for Proposals

Irish Historical Society/Women’s History Association of Ireland Lecture

The Irish Historical Society in association with the Women’s History Association of Ireland is hosting a special event to mark the publication last year of the Royal Historical Society’s report Gender Equality and Historians in UK Higher Education.

Professor Jo Fox (Durham) will give a paper entitled ‘Gender equality and historians in UK higher education’

A response will be given by Professor Jane Ohlmeyer (Trinity College Dublin) and the meeting will be chaired by Dr John Bowman (historian and broadcaster).

The event will take place on Tuesday, 25 October 2016 at 7pm in the Meeting Room, Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.

Admission is free but advance booking is recommended since places are limited.

Modern Irish History: Culture, Place and Identity Seminar Series

The University of Edinburgh’s School of History, Classics and Archaeology have published their Modern Irish History seminar programme for 2016-17. Lectures take place on Tuesdays at 6pm in Room G.13, William Robertson Building, Teviot Place (unless stated otherwise).

Click here for more details and the full programme.