Enterprise Partnership Scheme (Postdoctoral) Fellowship with RDS, historical research

The current call for this scheme includes applications to work with the Royal Dublin Society in one of the following general areas:

RDS: Colonialism and Empire: The RDS and its membership’s activities/collections (pre 1877 plant, museum, art and library collections) through the lens of Colonialism and Empire (impact at home and abroad- links to slavery, Anti-Catholicism, treatment of tenants by landowners in Ireland etc.)

RDS and the Environment- The historical impact of the RDS and its activities on Ireland’s environment, landscape and biodiversity.

RDS and women and entrepreneurism – the RDS and its support of women in small business and entrepreneurism in Ireland.

Details for potential applicants can be found here: https://research.ie/funding/eps-postdoc/?f=postdoctoral

RDS contact is Natasha Serne (RDS Archivist): https://www.rds.ie/ 

Royal Irish Academy, Charlemont Grant scheme open to applications

The Charlemont Grant scheme is open to early career researchers who wish to undertake short international visits from Ireland for the conduct of primary research in any subject area.

This highly successful scheme speaks to one of the RIA’s fundamental missions to identify and encourage excellence in research and scholarship, and to support the development of international links and collaborations by early career researchers.

Applications for up to €2,500 are invited.

The deadline for applications is 17:00 on Friday, 27 October 2023. 

For full details and to apply see https://www.ria.ie/news/grants-and-awards-charlemount-grants/charlemont-grant-scheme-open-applications-0

Registration open for 34th Conference of Irish Historians/4TH ANNUAL CENTRE FOR PUBLIC HISTORY CONFERENCE

The 34th Irish Conference of Historians/4th QUB Centre for Public History Conference, will take place at Queen’s University, Belfast on 15-16 September 2023. The theme of this years conference is Institutions.

Please visit the conference website for the full programme and for details on registering: https://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/CentreforPublicHistory/annual-conference/

Irish History Students’ Association launches new podcast series

The Irish History Students’ Association is delighted to launch its new podcast. The podcast showcases historical research from students of all levels of history, researching any historical theme and period. The opening series will run over the summer and the first episode is now freely available to listen on Spotify here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ihsapodcast/episodes/Imperial-encounters-understanding-the-Anglo-Egyptian-Sudan-e26193n

National Library of Ireland/Irish Committee of Historical Sciences Research Studentship open for applications

The National Library of Ireland, in association with the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences, are currently inviting applications for the Research Studentship.

An excellent opportunity for a graduate who is willing to undertake intensive study of a selected manuscript collection or collections which he/she might use as a major source in a post-graduate or post-doctoral research programme. The student will work in the Manuscripts Department (Special Collections) of the National Library.

More information about the role and how to apply are available here.

Applications must be made on the official National Library of Ireland application form which can be found here.

Completed application forms should be submitted by e-mail to the NLI’s Human Resources Unit at careers@nli.ie.

Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications is 3:00pm, 14 July 2023.

Robert Boyle Summer School 2022 addressing Science and Colonialism, 22 – 25 June


The 11th Robert Boyle Summer School will take place from 22 – 25 June at Waterford City and Lismore and addresses the theme Science Writing | Writing Science

Thursday 22 June City Hall Waterford


Opening Event and Reception

Friday 23 June City Hall, Waterford

Morning Session: Robert Boyle and his Sisters

Prof Michael Hunter: The Writing of Robert Boyle

Dr Ann-Maria Walsh: The Correspondence of the Boyle Sisters

Afternoon Session: Reading Robert Boyle

Nuala Clarke An Artist’s Perspective

Prof Jim Malone: A Scientist’s Perspective

Evening Session 8 pm City Hall

Boyle in Points”

A novel game show where the excitement will reach boiling point. Chaired by Cathal Murray, RTE’s Late Date presenter and featuring two teams battling it out to tell the difference between Science Fact and Science Faked.

Saturday 24 June Lismore (free coach transfer from Waterford)

Morning SessionWriting Science for the Public

Prof Peter J Bowler: Popular Science Writing in the 20th Century

Brian Trench: The Uses and Pleasures of Science Writing: Agnes Mary Clerke and Mary Mulvihill

Afternoon Session: Science in Fiction

WLR’s Dymphna Nugent in conversation with:

Marianne Lee author of A Quiet Tide, acclaimed biography of 18C botanist Ellen Hutchins

Andrew Hughes author of The Coroners Daughter the One Dublin One Book 2023

Late Afternoon:

Eoin Gill: Sherlock Holmes, the Archetype Scientist and the Lismore Connection

Evening Garden Party at Lismore Castle

Tapas with locally produced foods

Boyle Gin Cocktails ( Non-Alcoholic refreshments also)

Sunday 25 June Waterford City

Late Morning:

Waterford City Heritage: Visit to the Museum of the Irish Wake. (places limited)

For more details and booking, please visit https://www.robertboyle.ie/11th-robert-boyle-summer-school-2023/

HSTM Network Ireland, webinar. Dr Ida Milne, ‘Informing Covid: practical global application of history during the pandemic’, 3 May 2023, 3-4 pm

History of Science, Technology and Medicine (HSTM) Network Ireland’s next online seminar will take place on 3 May, 3-4 pm.


‘When the Covid-19 pandemic began to emerge in early 2020, people began seeking answers to its possible trajectory and societal impact, as well as trying to define its biological identity and find treatments and vaccinations. A global network of humanities scholars who had specialised in researching the 1918-19 influenza pandemic and other historic epidemics found themselves being called on to engage with media and governmental or specialist organisations, drawing on their research to inform the current crisis. This paper tells some of their stories, including Ida’s own.’

For registration: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/history-of-science-technology-and-medicine-seminar-3-may-2023-tickets-513135180137

All are welcome

Irish Network for Nineteenth-Century Studies (INNS) Study Day, 16th June 2023, Queen’s University Belfast

Locating Nineteenth-Century Studies

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Nick Daly, UCD

Title: Gentleman Burglars and Sorceresses: Late Victorian Crime Fiction and the Rise of the Criminal Mastermind.

This interdisciplinary event, held at Queen’s University Belfast (16th June), seeks to bring together nineteenth-century scholars from across the island of Ireland. This will be an inclusive and welcoming day with the goal of allowing networking and the sharing of resources, methodologies and critical ideas among our growing community of nineteenth-century scholars. We welcome scholars at all levels, including postgraduate and early-career researchers. The event will include an early career workshop, a reading group and a keynote by Professor Nick Daly. The day will conclude with a wine reception and dinner.

This year’s theme can be interpreted broadly. We are calling for 7-10 minute work-in-progress papers on any aspect of nineteenth-century studies from researchers across a broad range of specialisms, including literature and modern languages, history (including the history of art and science), politics, geography, theatre studies, and those who work at the interface of different disciplines. We look forward to a broad-ranging discussion in which we might situate our research in temporal, local, national, global, disciplinary/ interdisciplinary terms, in the context of genre, and in relation to the politics of class, ethnicity and gender. You are also welcome to register without delivering a paper.

Please send a paper title with your university affiliation and 150-word abstract to Dr Justin Livingstone (j.livingstone@qub.ac.uk) by 12th of May 2023, with INNS in the email heading. This event is supported by the School of Arts, English and Languages. We look forward to welcoming you to Queen’s in June.