Cfp. ‘Irish Women’s and Gendered Networks and Communities from the Medieval to the Modern Period’ Women’s History Association of Ireland conference

The annual Women’s History Association of Ireland conference will be hosted by the Department of History, University of Limerick and the Department of History, Mary Immaculate College on 7-8 April 2022.

The organising committee requests papers and panel proposals on the theme of ‘Irish women’s and gendered networks and communities from the medieval to the modern period’.

Abstracts (between 250-300 words) and a short bio should be send to on or before 17 December 2021.

For full details please go to

The Archivist and the Historian: Common Challenges, Common Opportunities, 29 Oct. 10am – 4 pm.

A free online workshop organised by the Irish Association of Professional Historians, in conjunction with the School of History in UCD, and the support of the Archives and Records Association Ireland, the Irish Society of Archivists and the Offaly Historical and Archaeological Society.

This workshop will seek to examine the common challenges and common opportunities facing archivists and historians. It will also examine various aspects of the relationship between both professions. Among other things, the workshop will examine how the creation of archives can create histories, how people understand (and misunderstand) the archive, questions surrounding access to archives, archivists and historians’ perceptions of each other (and the need to overcome misperceptions), and finally the possibilities for greater co-operation between both professions.

Speakers and participants in the workshop include Virgina Teehan (CEO, the Heritage Council), Professors Catherine Cox and John McCafferty (UCD), Professor Lindsey Earner-Byrne (UCC), Dr Sarah-Anne Buckley, Kieran Hoare and Dr Barry Houlihan (NUI Galway), Dr Neil Johnston (UK National Archives), Cecile Gordon (Irish Military Archives), Dr Ciarán Wallace (Beyond 2022 project, TCD) and Damien Burke (the Irish Jesuit Archives), Noelle Dowling (Dublin Diocesan Archives).

For further details and to register, please follow this link:

Cfp. Irish Civil War National Conference, UCC,

On 15-18 June 2022, University College Cork will host the Irish Civil War National Conference, to mark the centenary of the opening of hostilities at the Four Courts in Dublin. Working with the Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht, this conference will align with the core principles of the Expert Advisory Group on Commemorations by encouraging, ‘multiple and plural’ perspectives on complex and contested events. The four-day conference will seek to explore political, social, cultural, military, and economic dimensions to the Irish Civil war. It will also locate the Irish experience within the broader context of similar national, imperial and European political realignments following the end of the Great War. Wider historiographical and theoretical perspectives on the phenomenon of civil war, as experienced both before and since 1922-23, will also be invited to place the Irish Civil War within broader chronological and geographical frameworks. The conference will seek, neither a single agreed narrative, nor indeed a sense of ‘closure’. Instead it will attempt to gather the fruits of on-going historical research in what the Expert Advisory Group describes as, ‘meaningful engagements with a difficult and traumatic time’.

Short papers of 20 minutes’ duration are invited on topics related to the Irish Civil War and its broader contexts. To submit a proposal, please register at the conference portal, and provide a proposal title, 250-word abstract and brief (100 word) speaker’s biography. Submission deadline is 1 December 2020.

For further details on the conference and paper submission see:

NLI/ICHS Research Studentship

The National Library of Ireland, in association with the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS), is offering a one-year Research Studentship for
advanced graduate students (at least second year) or post-doctoral students of Irish history.

Please note that the closing date for receipt of applications is 3:00 pm on Friday 18 June 2021.

For further information about the role and how to apply can be found here:

33rd Conference of Irish Historians: Borders and Boundaries, Historical Perspectives, 20-21 May 2021

The Irish Committee of Historical Societies, in association with NUI Galway, is hosting the 33rd Irish Conference on 20-21 May 2021, this year’s theme is Borders and Boundaries. 45 speakers will cover a range of topics, including ‘Re-discovering St. Willibrord, the Irish Border, Medieval Borders, Boundaries in Irish Society, Partition Perspectives, Beyond the Pale, Boundaries in the Irish Free State, Women Writing History, North American Borders, eighteenth (and nineteenth century borders, Transnational Borders, All History in Local and Troubles.Our keynote speakers are Professor Raingard Esser of the University of Groningen and Professor Jim Livesey of NUI Galway. Over the course of history, the functions and roles of borders and boundaries have changed continuously. They can only be understood within their context. Borders have been actively contested and negotiated, appearing and disappearing. They are not static, but are complex spatial and social phenomena which are highly dynamic.

Attendance will be free although attendees are asked to register through Eventbrite at .

The conference programme is available here:

A book of abstracts are available here:

Brazilian historian seeks information on local history societies in Ireland for comparative study

Prof. Sandra Mara Dantas, Univeridade Federal do Triangulo Mineire, is looking for information from Irish local historical societies and historians. Prof. Dantas is carrying out a comparative study of the practice and purpose of local history in Ireland and Brazilian.

In order to carry out this research Prof. Dantas is looking for responses from historians and societies working in this field.

Further details including the type of information she is looking for and contact details is available here:

The Church of Ireland Historical Society meeting, 7 November 2020.

The next meeting of the Society will be held online via Zoom, Saturday 7 November 2020


11am Prof. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín: ‘Saint Patrick, life and afterlife: an overview of 150 years of Patrician Studies’

12pm Mr Noel Lindsay: ‘The rejection of non-denominational education and the introduction of segregated education in Northern Ireland, 1921-30’ [Research paper]

12.45pm Lunch Break

2pm Dr Clodagh Tait: ‘The ghosts in granny’s attic: women and the material culture of the decline of the Church of Ireland’

3pm Dr Aoife Bhreatnach: ‘Burying the poor: the Church of Ireland and the
friendless dead, 1830-1930’

• Prof. Dáibhí Ó Cróinín is Emeritus Professor of History at NUI Galway and a member of the Royal Irish Academy. He is an established authority on Hibernio-Latin texts, particularly eminent for his significant mid-1980s discovery of a manuscript in Padua of the ‘lost’ Irish 84-year Easter
table. Among his many books, he is author of Early Medieval Ireland, 400-1200 (London, 2016).

• Mr Noel Lindsay is a PhD student at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. His research focuses on the Protestant and Catholic Churches’ animosities towards the department of education’s attempt to introduce a non-denominational system of education in the 1920s.

• Dr Clodagh Tait is lecturer in history at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. She has published widely on early modern social and cultural history. She is author of Death, Burial and Commemoration in Ireland, 1550-1650 (Basingstoke, 2002) and co-edited Age of Atrocity: violence and political conflict in early modern Ireland (Dublin, 2010) and Religion and Politics in Urban Ireland (Dublin, 2016).

• Dr Aoife Bhreatnach is a social and cultural historian. She writes about soldiers on Irish streets (on and hosts a podcast about Irish censorship (accessible via the link here: She is author of Becoming Conspicuous: Irish travellers, society and the State, 1922-70 (Dublin, 2006).

The conference will be on held via Zoom Video Conferencing. If you wish to attend, you can register online here. Members can sign up for free. Non-members are most welcome. They are asked to subscribe €10 to assist with expenses.

If you wish to become a member the annual subscription is fixed at €40 or £40. This includes admission to our bi-annual conferences (at Armagh Robinson Library and Christ Church Cathedral), book discounts, and exclusive access to the Society’s thirty-five podcasts.

Queries may be addressed to the honorary secretaries, Professor Alan Ford or Dr Miriam Moffitt, by email ( Alternatively, you can visit the society’s website for further details about the conference (and more!):

The Church of Ireland Historical Society meets twice a year. It exists to promote scholarly interest in the history of the Church, and to facilitate publication.

NLI/ICHS Research Studentships

The National Library of Ireland (NLI), in association with the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS), are offering a one-year Research Studentship for advanced graduates (at least second year) or post-doctoral students of Irish History. The Studentship holder will work in the Manuscripts Department (Special Collections) of the NLI.

Full details and the application form can be found at the NLI website

Please note that the closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 07 August 2020 at 3pm.  Applications must be made using the official application form.

UCD Centre for the History of Medicine, seminar series 2020

23 January 2020

Dr Ana Antic (University of Exeter)

‘Transcultural psychiatry and the birth of a “global psyche” after WWII :

a global history from below?’

20 February 2020

Panel: ‘New Histories of the Medical Profession’

Dr Mary Hatfield (University College Dublin) 

‘Passionate physicians and childish children: diagnosing emotion in Irish paediatrics, 1780-1850’

Dr Kieran Fitzpatrick (National University of Ireland, Galway)

‘Beyond villainy? Some reflections on the medical profession and its place in modern history’

23 April 2020

Dr Laura Kelly (University of Strathclyde)

‘Sex, marriage and contraception in Ireland, 1950-80: an oral history of sexual knowledge and family planning practices

All seminars take place at

5pm, Room K114, School of History,

Newman Building, UCD