UCD Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, Seminar. Rescheduled for 6 Feb 2020 at 5pm: Dr Ana Antic (University of Exeter) ‘Transcultural psychiatry and the birth of a “global psyche” after WWII : a global history from below?’

Abstract: This talk will explore the early history of the concept of universal, global psyche, which emerged in the aftermath of WWII and during decolonisation, when Western psychiatry strove to leave behind its colonial legacies, and lay the foundation for a more inclusive conversation between Western and non-Western mental health communities. In this period, leading ‘psy’ professionals across the globe set about identifying and defining the universal psychological mechanisms supposedly shared among all cultures (and ‘civilisations’). I will explore this far-reaching psychiatric, social and cultural search for a new definition of ‘common humanity’, which developed in an increasingly inter-connected and culturally diverse global context, and examine the historical forces that drove it. The talk will tackle the following questions How did psychiatrists and anthropologists from all over the world re-define the relationship between culture, race and individual psyche following the end of the Second World War and colonialism, what was the role of experts from the Global South and Eastern Europe in this transformative process, and did this new global and transcultural psychiatry succeed in departing from the erstwhile colonial

Dr. Ana Antic is a historian of modern Europe, specialising in the cultural and social history of psychiatry and other ‘psy’ disciplines. She is the author of the monograph Therapeutic Fascism: Experiencing the violence of the Nazi New Order (OUP, 2017), and the PI of the new ERC-funded project on the history of transcultural psychiatry after WWII. She is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter.


This major labour history conference, part of the Government of Ireland’s Decade of Centenaries programme, features sixty scholars who will scrutinise the interplay between labour, gender, and class during the revolutionary period. At the core of the conference, five expert panels will discuss contentious questions: the role of trade unionists in the revolutionary events; the impact of the struggle on the lives of women; the existential challenges presented by sectarian polarisation in the North-East; and the competing ideologies in the labour milieu. Equally important are eleven spotlight panels, featuring original research from established and emerging scholars and shedding particular light on the regional experience. The programme also includes an innovative play-writing workshop, theatrical presentations, and a History Ireland hedge-school.

Full details can be found here

Conference: After The War: Peace, Conflict and Trauma, National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks, 9 November 2019

This conference is focused on life in Ireland in 1919, and coincides with the opening of the exhibition Irish Wars at the National Museum of Ireland, Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks in December 2019. In particular, it aims to explore the effects that the impact of war – occurring at home and abroad – had on the Irish population; both for those who fought, and those soon engulfed by conflict as Irish soldiers returned from the battlefields in Belgium and France, and the Irish War of Independence slowly began.

Conference organised by: Education & Outreach Department and Brenda Malone, Curator of the Irish Wars exhibition, National Museum of Ireland – Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks, Benburb Street, Dublin 7.

Current Programme (subject to change)

9.30am: Registration

10am. Panel 1. Ireland after the War: Homecoming

Eve Morrison: Chair

Peter Barton. The Quiet Men: the Great War’s Silent Witnesses.

Ronan McGreevy. A coward if I return? How did Irish Veterans of the First World War fare afterwards?

Fionnuala Walsh. ‘The scars of war lay on their souls’: women’s experiences of demobilization in the aftermath of the Great War.

11.15am: Coffee

11.45am. Panel 2. Business, Employment and Loyalties

David Dickson. Chair

Wendy Williams. Seeing double: taxation and division at W&R Jacob & Co post-independence.

Jessica Handy. War, Insurrection and Guinness: Employment and loyalty in turbulent times.

Lar Joye. ‘A Divided Company’ – Dublin Port and the impact of the First World War, 1914-18, and the Irish Wars 1919-22.

1pm: Lunch

2pm: Panel 3 + 4. The Legacy of Trauma.

Catriona Crowe. Chair

Brendan Kelly. Trauma, shell-shock and the Richmond War Hospital, Dublin (1916-1919)

Fiona Loughnane. Bodily Trauma and the Archive: Photographs of the Loughnane Brothers.

Judith McCarthy & Dan Breen. From Behind the Walls of the Asylum: Stories of First World War survivors found in Local Authority Museum collections

3.15pm: Coffee


Caitriona Clear. Chair

Linda Connolly. Sexual Violence and the Irish War of Independence: Evidence, Ethics and Trauma Histories.

Louise Ryan. Drunken Tans revisited: assessing how understandings of sexual violence during the Revolutionary years has changed in the last 20 years’

4.30pm: Performance

Louise Lowe & Owen Boss. Signposting the Past (featuring a short performance from ‘Beyond these Rooms’ by ANU Productions and CoisCéim Dance Theatre.)

For further details and booking (price €10-€15) please see: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/conference-after-the-war-peace-conflict-and-trauma-tickets-72937396717

cfp. 33rd Irish Conference of Historians, Deadline 1st October

NUI Galway

Please note

We are postponing the 33rd Irish Conference of Historians until 20-22 May 2021 as a result of the current pandemic

The 33rd Irish Conference of Historians will take place at National University of Ireland, Galway, Thursday 21-Saturday 23 May, 2020.

Proposals are invited for the 33rd Irish Conference of Historians which will take place at National University of Ireland, Galway, 21-23 May 2020. The theme of this major, 3-day conference is Borders and boundaries: historical perspectives. We welcome proposals for individual 20 minute papers or for three person panels. We also encourage proposals for other formats, such as lightning panels and group presentations.

5 bursaries of up to €100 each are offered to assist postgraduate students or independent scholars.

Proposals are invited for the following themes, but proposals on any topic relating to borders, boundaries and history will be welcome. Papers on all approaches, time periods and nations/contexts are also welcome.

· Definitions and types of borders

· Border identities

· Borders and globalization

· Economics of the border

· Moving beyond the border

· Gender and citizenship

· The person and boundaries

· Frontiers, transgressions and representations

· Women making and remaking borders

· Faith-based borders

· Borders and authority

· Borders and migration

· Transnational history and borders

· Cultural and artistic borders

· Border regions and heritage (tangible and intangible)

· Censorship

· Conceptual boundaries

Please send a 200 word abstract for individual papers and an additional 300 word proposal for panels 33ConferenceofIrishHistorians@gmail.com. Enquiries can also be sent to Kieran.hoare@nuigalway.ie

Deadline: 1 October 2019

The Irish Committee of Historical Sciences, founded in March 1938 to provide for the representation of Irish historical interests on the Comité International des Sciences Historiques/International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH/ICHS). Our purpose is to represent historians and the historical discipline in Ireland, to promote historical scholarship and public engagement with history, to advocate for the discipline, to provide a forum for discussion, to promote and disseminate research and encourage students and early career researchers.

For more on the ICHS visit http://www.historians.ie/

History of Science, Technology and Medicine conference, Ulster University, 18-19 Oct. 2019

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Network Ireland Annual Conference
Ulster University, Belfast Campus, 18-19 October 2019

Kindly supported by the School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Ulster University

The HSTM Network Ireland fosters research, teaching and public engagement in the history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM) in Ireland. It brings together researchers based in Ireland and welcomes overseas members with relevant interests. We aim to raise the profile of HSTM in Ireland and link Irish-based researchers to an international community of scholars. The Network promotes awareness of archival sources for HSTM on the island, advocates HSTM as a subject at all levels of education, supports and develops public events with an HSTM element and produces an accessible bibliography of HSTM research.

Annual Conference 2019

The conference organisers invite you to register for the HSTM Network Ireland’s annual conference taking place at Ulster University, Belfast Campus on 18-19 October 2019. The event will showcase innovative, original research currently being pursued by established and early-career researchers working in HSTM in Ireland and abroad.

Conference registration will cost £20 (coffee breaks and lunches are included in this price).

An optional conference dinner will take place on Friday, 18 October, at Made in Belfast, 23 Talbot Street, Belfast BT1 2LD.

There will be an additional charge of £30 for the conference dinner (which must be paid for in advance via the conference registration system).

All communication should be sent to Hstmconference2019@gmail.com

Further details can be found here: https://hstmnetworkireland.org/

To register go to: https://store.ulster.ac.uk/product-catalogue/faculty-of-arts-humanities-and-social-sciences/school-of-english-and-history/hstm-conference

Irish Association of Professional Historians, Using Visual Materials as Historical References workshop (Sat 12th October 2019)

Time: 10 am – 1 pm

Location: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

A limited number of places are available for this event

Sign up: Email info@iaph.ie to reserve a place

Both Members and non-members are asked to ensure they indicate their intention to attend by signing up

Deadline for sign up: 28th Sept 2019

This event is free to IAPH Members and €7 for non-Members.

Non-members will have the option of paying via PayPal beforehand, or on the day itself.

Tea, Coffee and refreshments to be provided

Can visual materials be historical references? Why should one use images in historical analysis, writings and presentations? What do they say that text does not? How might they, should they or can they be interpreted?

This event, to be held at the RSAI in Dublin, will be a three-hour workshop comprising two parts. The first being a short seminar, which will introduce the attendees to the concept of using visual materials as historical references; visual methodologies; compositions of images; and an introduction to conventions. This will be followed by a hands-on workshop where researchers can engage with their own research images and materials through various methodological perspectives.

The event will be facilitated by four art and visual culture historians from IADT and UCD. It is aimed at professional historians with limited or no experience using visual materials in their research, but we equally welcome more experienced researchers who are willing to further develop their skills and share their insights.

The day’s schedule will be as follows:

1000-1015 – Welcome (Dr Paul Huddie, IAPH Committee)

1015-1115 – Seminar: Using visual materials as historical references, this will comprise four segments:

Audiences (Dr Elaine Sisson, IADT);
Circulation (Dr Colleen Thomas, UCD);
Image (composition) (Dr Roisin Kennedy, UCD);
Production (Dr Sherra Murphy, IADT)
11.15-11.45 – Coffee Break

11.45-13.00 – Break-out sessions (Drs Sisson, Kennedy, Thomas and Murphy)

Full details and registration can be found here: http://iaph.ie/2019/09/using-visual-materials-as-historical-references/

cfp. Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, Annual Conference 2019.

University College Cork, 6 and 7 December 2019


Proposals for papers, or for panels of papers, are solicited for the Annual Conference of the Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, which will be held at University College Cork, on Friday 6 December and Saturday 7 December 2019. The conference is jointly organised by the Department of Economics and the School of History.

Paper proposals relating to all aspects of economic and social history will be considered.

The conference will be held in the former Cork Savings Bank branch on Lapp’s Quay in the heart of Cork City. This landmark building was constructed in 1842 and has recently been restored for the Cork University Business School.

This year’s Connell Lecture will be delivered by Morgan Kelly, Professor of Economics at University College Dublin. Abstracts of papers and proposals for panels should be sent to Dr Eoin McLaughlin (eoin.mclaughlin@ucc.ie) by Friday 4 October 2019.

Abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words. Panel proposals should include a session title, contact details for all speakers and abstracts for all papers to be included in the session.

For more information about the society, please visit our website: http://www.eshsi.org/.

Cfp. History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Annual Conference 2019, deadline August 15th

HSTM Annual Conference at Ulster University (Belfast campus), 18-20 October 2019

For its upcoming conference, the HSTM Network invites proposals on any topics in the history of science, technology and medicine. Topics do not necessarily have to relate to Ireland. Paper submissions should include a 250-word abstract including five key words and mention the name and affiliation (unless independent) of the speaker. Individual presentations should be no more than 20 minutes, with 10 minutes afterwards for questions. Panel submissions should include three papers (each with a 250-word abstract including five key words), a chair if possible, and a 100-word panel abstract. In both cases, please have ‘Abstract 2019 conference’ as your email subject. Confirmation of acceptance should be within a month following the closing date.

Contact: Hstmconference2019@gmail.com

Further details can be found at https://hstmnetworkireland.org/


The manner in which empire is remembered, forgotten or imaginatively reconstructed plays a key role in forging national identity in many countries in the twenty-first century; it also, arguably, shapes how they imagine their future role on the global stage. The issue of how Britain engages with its imperial past, for example, has recently come to the fore through debates about how imperial and BAME history should be taught at schools, whether contentious imperial actors should be publicly commemorated, and through questions about the provenance of many museum collections. At the same time, citizens of its former empire in postcolonial nations have pressed the need for Britain to come to terms with its colonial legacies.

Within postcolonial states, moreover, the issue of who is forgotten or remembered as participating in anti-imperial struggles is itself contentious, with some commentators arguing that nationalist political elites have shaped the story of anti-colonial struggles to aggrandize their own roles at the expense of other subaltern actors.

The conference will seek to tackle these themes head on. We encourage applications from scholars at all career stages who engage with questions that include (but are not limited to):
• What are the debates in postcolonial nations about how their anti-imperial struggles are remembered and commemorated?
• How should educators around the world represent/present empire to the public, in schools and universities?
• How has the engagement of nations with their imperial past helped to define their identity in the twenty-first century?
• What roles do museums play in shaping how we see, understand and engage with imperial pasts?
• How might museums and heritage sites such as historic houses engage with their own imperial legacies?
• What challenges face scholars working on the public history of ancient empire?

We invite individual 20-minute papers, or panels of 3 papers. Skype panels are also welcome. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words, and should be accompanied by a short CV and sent to publichistory@qub.ac.uk by 9 September 2019. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 27 September 2019

Bursaries: A limited number of bursaries of £300, covering the conference fee, travel, and accommodation, are available for postgraduate, ECR (within three years of PhD), and museum practitioners who are delivering a paper but not in receipt of institutional support. Anyone seeking to avail of this should indicate when emailing their abstract.

Further information is available here: https://www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/CentreforPublicHistory/Events/UpcomingEvents/CONFERENCE-REFRAMINGEMPIRE.html