Conference: Uncovering Material Knowledge, QUB, 30th and 31st August 2019

Professor Pamela H. Smith (Columbia University), Professor Chandra Mukerji (University of California) and Professor David Livingstone (Queen’s University, Belfast) will be giving keynote lectures.

This conference seeks to break with the age-old separation of hand and mind and uncover examples of material and embodied knowledge across a broad range of periods, geographical locations, spaces and places.

Developments in histories of science, medicine and technology have fundamentally re-oriented our understanding of knowledge production. Recent scholarship has made a break with narratives that privilege a few ‘great men’ and engaged with a more diverse range of actors (e.g. women, indigenous peoples, tradesmen, technicians) and prioritised an approach that uncovers complex interactions between  humans, their environments and the material things they have at their disposal.

However, ‘knowledge’ or intellectual work took many different forms and scholars from fields such as food history, gender history, literary studies, historical geography and art history have increasingly viewed activities that were traditionally dismissed as unexceptional (such as cooking or craft) as playing a critical role in knowledge production.

Some kinds of knowledge are harder to access in the historical record than others and require different sources and approaches to bring their meaning and significance to light. The surge in interest, across a range of disciplines, in the study of material culture has served to unlock one such source and has offered new opportunities for understanding different forms of knowing – the material, the embodied and the non-verbal.

For further details and to register to attend please use the following link:

National Library of Ireland (in association with the Irish Committee of Historical Studies) 2019 Research Studentship

Research Studentship
The National Library is an equal opportunities employer
Cuirfear fáilte roimh chomhfhreagras i nGaeilge
Information for Applicants

  1. The National Library of Ireland, in association with the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS), is offering a one-year Research Studentship for advanced graduate students (at least second year) or post-doctoral students of Irish history.
  2. The student will work in the Manuscripts Department (Special Collections) of the National Library (see Appendix 1).
  3. Requirements
    The successful candidate will have:
    • Strong interpersonal skills and be able to work as part of a team
    • Ability to work in an organised and productive way with strong attention to detail
    • Ability to meet deadlines and to be able to work on his/her own initiative
    • Excellent IT skills.
  4. The Studentship is designed to enable a student to undertake intensive study of a selected manuscript collection or collections which he/she might use as a major source in a post-graduate or post-doctoral research programme (see Appendix 1). On completion of the Studentship, it is envisaged that the student will resume his/her research programme and may continue to exploit the collection for its historical content.
  5. The Studentship will be for a 12-month period.
  6. The successful applicant will be offered a contract of employment by the Board of the National Library of Ireland.
  7. The current annual rate of pay applying to the Studentship will be €20,649 per annum accruing 22 day’s annual leave.
  8. The Studentship may be terminated by the National Library, at any time, in the event of misconduct by the student or persistent failure for any reason to carry out satisfactorily the duties assigned to him/her.
  9. 3 hard copies of completed application forms should be posted to the Human Resources Unit, National Library of Ireland, 4 Kildare St. Dublin 2.
  10. Applications must be made on the official National Library of Ireland application form which can be found online through Only applications submitted on a National Library of Ireland application form will be accepted. The onus is on candidates to ensure that they have submitted their applications on the correct form.
  11. The closing date for all applications is Tuesday 23 July 2019 at 3:00 p.m. Applications will not be accepted after this date. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure that their completed application form is received on time.
  12. Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of the information contained in their application forms.
  13. Successful candidates will be required to undergo both health and security clearance.
  14. Interviews will be held from the week beginning Monday 05 August 2019. It is the responsibility of applicants to be available for interview on the allotted date.
  15. The Library reserves the right to make such enquiries as it considers necessary in relation to an applicant before making an offer of a Studentship to him/her.
    National Library of Ireland,
    July 2019

Details can be found here:

Further information and an application form can be found on the NLI website here:

The IGRS Ireland Branch Lecture: ‘Erwin Schrödinger’s time in Clontarf during World War II’, 18th June, from 18:45

The IGRS Ireland Branch presents their Summer Lecture Tuesday, 18th June, from 18:45, Helen Roe Theatre at the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland

The speaker at this year’s Ireland Branch Summer Lecture will be longtime IGRS Member Niall McDevitt. He will talk about scientist Erwin Schrödinger’s time in Clontarf during World War II.

Schrödinger (1887-1961), a Nobel Prize-winning Austrian physicist, is noted for his work in the field of quantum theory. Having fled Nazi occupied Austria in 1938, he received an invitation from An Taoiseach, Éamon de Valera, to take up residence in Ireland and to assist in establishing an Institute for Advanced Studies in Dublin. He, and his wife Annemarie (Anny), settled in the Dublin suburb of Clontarf in 1940, They remained there for the next seventeen years. Although retaining his Austrian citizenship, he nevertheless became a naturalized Irish citizen in 1948.

The event will be held on the evening of Tuesday, 18th June, at the Helen Roe Theatre at the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland from 18:45.

Full details can be found here:

J.C. Beckett Memorial Lecture, PRONI, 6 June. Prof. Diane Urquhart ‘Like diamonds, gambling, and picture-fancying, a luxury of the rich’? Ireland’s divorcing minority, 1701-1922.

This year’s J.C. Beckett Memorial Lecture takes place at PRONI on Thursday, 6 June, at 7pm.

The speaker is Prof. Diane Urquhart (University of Liverpool) and the topic is ‘Like diamonds, gambling, and picture-fancying, a luxury of the rich’? Ireland’s divorcing minority, 1701-1922.

This event is organised by the USIHS. Further details can be found at:

The lecture will be preceded by a wine reception.

All are welcome to attend

cfp. History of Science, Technology and Medicine (HSTM) Network Ireland Annual Conference 2019

Ulster University (Belfast campus), 18-20 October 2019

Call closing date: 10 July 2019

Organising committee: Ruth Coon, Eugenie Scott, Michael Kinsella, Lauren Young, Stan Neal, Ian Miller

Call for Papers/Panels: The History of Science, Technology and Medicine (HSTM) Network Ireland hosts an annual conference to promote the field in Ireland, and to invite speakers from overseas to share their research. In 2019, this will be hosted by Ulster University on its expanding Belfast campus. Ulster University has a vibrant medical history research community which actively engages in research, teaching and public engagement.

For its upcoming conference, the HSTM Network invites proposals on any topics in the history of science, technology and medicine. Topics do not necessarily have to relate to Ireland. Paper submissions should include a 250-word abstract including five key words and mention the name and affiliation (unless independent) of the speaker. Individual presentations should be no more than 20 minutes, with 10 minutes afterwards for questions. Panel submissions should include three papers (each with a 250-word abstract including five key words), a chair if possible, and a 100-word panel abstract. In both cases, please have ‘Abstract 2019 conference’ as your email subject. Confirmation of acceptance should be within a month following the closing date.


Keynote Speaker: The keynote speaker is Professor Mark Jackson (University of Exeter). Prof. Jackson is the author of numerous books including, most recently, Allergy: The History of a Modern Malady (2006), Asthma: The Biography (2009), Oxford Handbook of the History of Medicine (ed., 2011), The Age of Stress: Science and the Search for Stability (2013), The History of Medicine: A Beginners Guide (2014, shortlisted for the Dingle Prize), Routledge History of Disease (ed., 2016) and A Global History of Medicine (ed., 2018)

IAPH Workshop. Practising Public History: An Introduction, 22 June 2019

The next IAPH event is a workshop co-organised with the Dublin City Libraries and Archives. It is entitled Practising Public History: An introduction, and will take place on Saturday 22 June, in the Gilbert Library, Pearse Street, between 10 am and c. 2.30pm.

Seven speakers, all of whom have practised Public History it in different ways, will speak about their experiences and their activities in this field.

The speakers are Tara Doyle & Mary Muldowney (Historians in residence Programme, Dublin City Council), Orla Egan (Archivist, Cork LGBT Archive), Cecile Gordon (Senior Archivist, Irish Military Archive), David Swift (Living History Group, Claiomh), John Tierney (archaeologist and co-founder of the historic graves project) and Oisín Wall (Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, UCD).

Aside from the presentations, this workshop will also include a tour of the Gilbert Library Reading Room, where participants will have the chance to view some of the holdings of Dublin City Archives.

The talks are free for all to attend, and all are welcome.

Please be aware, though, that only a limited number of persons can participate in the tour of the reading room/archive (max 30 persons, divided into two sequential tours of 15 persons)! It is thus necessary to sign up for it.

You can do this by emailing

Full details of the workshop, including the programme and associated tours, can be found here:

Open Day: Irish Genealogical Research Society, 18 May 2019

Irish Genealogical Research Society: Ireland Branch

Open Day, Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse St, Dublin 2

Saturday 18 May 2019. 10.00am-4.00pm

10:00-10:20 Registration

10:20-10:30 Chairperson’s Welcome

10:30-11:15 Ian d’Alton ‘A pile of stones, a living memory, a family member: Bowen’s Court, Elizabeth Bowen, and imagining the Irish gentry.’

11:20-12:00 Joan Sharkey ‘Some families of interest in the Raheny area.’

12:00-13:30 Lunch at own expense

13:45-14:30 Joan Kavanagh: ‘Banished Beyond the Seas – NAI records of convict transporta/on to Australia, 1788-1868’

14:45-16:00 David Butler ‘Publishing Research in The Irish Genealogist’


The Edward Worth Library Lecture Series, 22 May 2019. ‘Visualising the Pauper Patient in Nineteenth-Century Ireland.’

The third lecture in the Edward Worth Library Seminar Series will take place in the Worth Library at 3.00pm on Wednesday 22 May.

Dr Catherine Cox (Director for the Centre for the History of Medicine, UCD): ‘Visualising the Pauper Patient in Nineteenth-Century Ireland.’

This lecture is a joint initiative of the Edward Worth Library and the Dr Steevens’ Hospital Library. Please note that seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Further details on the seminar series can be found here:

Cpf: 33rd Irish Conference of Historians, 21-23 May 2020

The 33rd Irish Conference of Historians will take place at National University of Ireland, Galway, Thursday 21-Saturday 23 May, 2020.

Proposals are invited for the 33rd Irish Conference of Historians which  will take place at National University of Ireland, Galway, 21-23 May 2020. The theme of this major, 3-day conference is Borders and boundaries: historical perspectives. We welcome proposals for individual 20 minute papers or for three person panels. We also encourage proposals for other formats, such as lightning panels and group presentations.

5 bursaries of up to €100 each are offered to assist postgraduate students or independent scholars.

Proposals are invited for the following themes, but proposals on any topic relating to borders, boundaries and history will be welcome. Papers on all approaches, time periods and nations/contexts are also welcome.

·         Definitions and types of borders

·          Border identities

·          Borders and globalization

·          Economics of the border

·          Moving beyond the border

·          Gender and citizenship

·          The person and boundaries

·          Frontiers, transgressions and representations

·          Women making and remaking borders

·          Faith-based borders

·          Borders and authority

·          Borders and migration

·          Transnational history and borders

·          Cultural and artistic borders

·          Border regions and heritage (tangible and intangible)

·          Censorship

·          Conceptual boundaries

Please send a 200 word abstract for individual papers and an additional 300 word proposal for panels Enquiries can also be sent to

Deadline: 1 October 2019

The Irish Committee of Historical Sciences, founded in March 1938 to provide for the representation of Irish historical interests on the Comité International des Sciences Historiques/International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH/ICHS). Our purpose is to represent historians and the historical discipline in Ireland, to promote historical scholarship and public engagement with history, to advocate for the discipline, to provide a forum for discussion, to promote and disseminate research and encourage students and early career researchers.

For more on the ICHS visit

ICHS (in conjunction with USIHS) Symposium on the Pursuit and Practice of Local History

6pm on Thursday 16th May 2019

PRONI, 2 Titanic Boulevard, Belfast

The Irish Committee of Historical Sciences, in conjunction with the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies will host a symposium at PRONI, 2 Titanic Boulevard, Belfast at 6pm on Thursday 16th May 2019 on the Pursuit and Practice of Local History. Our speakers at the symposium will be Professor Raymond Gillespie of Maynooth University and Dr. Olwen Purdue of Queen’s University Belfast. The meeting will be chaired by Professor Steven Ellis of NUI Galway.

Ireland has had a long tradition of local history societies dating back to the nineteenth century. The publication of Doing Irish Local History: Pursuit and Practice in Belfast in 1998, edited by Raymond Gillespie and Myrtle Hill marked a milestone in the teaching of the topic within academia. The range of local history societies, local journals and magazines all testify to the health of local history in the parishes and counties of Ireland. The Federation for Ulster Local Studies in Ulster and the Federation of Local History Societies in the rest of the island are both evidence of the desire of local societies to come together and share common concerns about the problem of doing local history in an Irish context. Accessibility to archival sources, both through archival services and digitally have transformed the field, and the variety and volume of decade of centenary events attests to the vibrancy of both local and public history.

With this in mind, this symposium will bring together those interested in local history for a discussion on methodology and practice in the field. All are welcome. For more information visit

Details from the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies can be found here

To register for the event please visit