cfp. History of Science, Technology and Medicine (HSTM) Network Ireland, Annual conference 26-27 October 2018

History of Science, Technology and Medicine (HSTM) Network Ireland.
Annual conference 2018
26-27 October 2018
Keynote: Professor Nick Hopwood (University of Cambridge) on a visual history of embryos, tentatively titled ‘Why you expect embryos when you’re expecting.’
Hosted at: The School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast.
Call for Papers/Panels:
For its upcoming conference, the HSTM Network invites proposals on all topics in the history of science, technology and medicine, no Irish connection required. Paper submissions should include a 250-word abstract including five key words, and mention the name and affiliation (unless independent) of the speaker. Individual presentations should be 20 minutes, with 10 minutes afterwards for questions. Panel submissions should include three papers (each with a 250-word abstract including five key words) ,a chair if possible, and a 100-word panel abstract. In both cases, please have ‘Submission 2018 conference’ as your email subject to help speed things along for us. We aim to confirm acceptance of papers within a month of the call for papers closing date.

Call closing date: 21 June 2018

Address for paper submissions/queries:
Website for registration:
Registration fees: £20 for unwaged/students – £40 for waged.

National Library of Ireland Research Studentship (in association with the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences). Closing date for all applications is Friday 22 June 2018 at 3:00 p.m

Research Studentship

The National Library is an equal opportunities employer
Cuirfear fáilte roimh chomhfhreagras i nGaeilge

Information for Applicants

1. The National Library of Ireland, in association with the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS), is offering a one-year Research Studentship for advanced graduate students (at least second year) or post-doctoral students of Irish history.

2. The student will work in the Manuscripts Department (Special Collections) of the National Library (see Appendix 1).

3. Requirements
The successful candidate will have:

• Strong interpersonal skills and be able to work as part of a team
• Ability to work in an organised and productive way with strong attention to detail
• Ability to meet deadlines and to be able to work on his/her own initiative
• Excellent IT skills.

4. The Studentship is designed to enable a student to undertake intensive study of a selected manuscript collection or collections which he/she might use as a major source in a post-graduate or post-doctoral research programme (see Appendix 1). On completion of the Studentship, it is envisaged that the student will resume his/her research programme and may continue to exploit the collection for its historical content.

5. The Studentship will be for a 12-month period.

6. The successful applicant will be offered a contract of employment by the Board of the National Library of Ireland.

7. The current annual rate of pay applying to the Studentship will be €20,649 per annum accruing 22 day’s annual leave.

8. The Studentship may be terminated by the National Library, at any time, in the event of misconduct by the student or persistent failure for any reason to carry out satisfactorily the duties assigned to him/her.

9. 3 hardcopies of completed application forms should be posted to the Human Resources Unit, National Library of Ireland, 4 Kildare St. Dublin 2.

10. Applications must be made on the official National Library of Ireland application form which can be found online through Only applications submitted on a National Library of Ireland application form will be accepted. The onus is on candidates to ensure that they have submitted their applications on the correct form.

11. The closing date for all applications is Friday 22 June 2018 at 3:00 p.m. Applications will not be accepted after this date. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure that their completed application form is received on time.

12. Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of the information contained in their application forms.

13. Successful candidates will be required to undergo both health and security clearance.

14. Interviews will be held from the week beginning Monday 13 August 2018. It is the responsibility of applicants to be available for interview on the allotted date.

15. The Library reserves the right to make such enquiries as it considers necessary in relation to an applicant before making an offer of a Studentship to him/her.

National Library of Ireland,
June 2018

Appendix 1

Job Title: Studentship
Temporary Fixed Term Contract
(12 month contract)

Library Department: Manuscripts (Special Collections)

Studentship Programme: The position is being offered under the National Library of Ireland’s studentship programme for post graduates who wish to gain experience of working in a library and an understanding of one of the Library’s unique archival collections.

The student will work in the Manuscripts Department (Special Collections) of the National Library of Ireland.

Main Duties:
• Cataloguing of select manuscript collections and such other collections as may be agreed;
• Learning to catalogue to international standards using MARC 21 and ISAD(G);
• Developing a practical understanding of key aspects of collections management including conservation and digitisation;
• Working with the reader services team developing expert customer service and interpersonal skills;
• Presentations and lectures to visiting groups of students and scholars;
• Provision of assistance to individual researchers with regard to a variety of research queries;
• Contributing a blog on the Research Studentship post to the ICHS website;
• Other duties as appropriate.

The successful candidate will have:
• Strong interpersonal skills and be able to work as part of a team
• Ability to work in an organised and productive way with strong attention to detail
• Ability to meet deadlines and to be able to work on his/her own initiative
• Excellent IT skills.

Learning: From their involvement in the studentship programme, students will:
• have an opportunity to become familiar with the National Library of Ireland’s extensive and important Manuscripts collections;
• gain a practical knowledge of archiving and cataloguing;
• develop a broad understanding of a significant Library/information environment;
• develop customer service skills by assisting the duty archivist.

Manuscript Collections available for the National Library Research Studentship in Irish History, 2018-2019

Fitzmaurice (Acc 3651 & 3852)
Estate and family papers including deeds, rentals, correspondence, political, military and legal papers, mainly 20th c. Includes papers of Major Harman Fitzmaurice of the Royal Irish Rifles.
21 boxes

Greene family, Co. Kildare (Acc. 6406)
Greene Family Papers. Kilkea, Co Kildare. Kilkea Lodge and Millbrook. Drumcondra in Dublin; Clondrinagh in Co Clare. 17th century – 20th century. Leases, Indentures, Account Books, Correspondence of the Greene family and associated families.
21 boxes.

Bagwell (Acc 4035)
Estate papers of the family of Bagwell of Marlfield, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, mainly 19th century, including leases and deeds.
16 Boxes
Coolattin Estate (Acc 3515)
Estate papers of the Fitzwilliam family of Wicklow including deeds, rentals, legal papers and correspondence, 19th and 20th century.
15 Boxes

Waldron Papers (Acc 2843)
Papers of Hubert Waldron, Drumsna, Co Leitrim and other family members, mainly 19th century
15 Boxes

Symposium: ‘Hunger, History and Memory: The Great Famines of Ireland and Finland Compared’, NUI, Galway, 21 June 2018

‘Hunger, History and Memory
The Great Famines of Ireland and Finland Compared’
Exhibition Launch and Symposium
Speakers: Cormac Ó Grada (UCD) Breandán Mac Suibhne (Centenary
University) Lindsay Janssen (UCD) Andrew Newby (Aarhus University)
Chair: Anne Karhio (NUIG)

Thursday 21 June 2018, 1:30 pm – 4.30 pm
G011 Moore Institute, NUIG
For more details see or email

Further details are available here: Famine Symposium NUIG 21 June

CFP: History of Science, Technology and Medicine (HSTM) Network Ireland Annual Conference 2018

Hosted by: The School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast.

Date: 26-27 October 2018

Keynote: Professor Nick Hopwood (University of Cambridge) on a visual history of embryos, tentatively titled ‘Why you expect embryos when you’re expecting.’

Call for Papers/Panels:

For its upcoming conference, the HSTM Network invites proposals on all topics in the history of science, technology and medicine, no Irish connection required. Paper submissions should include a 250-word abstract including five key words, and mention the name and affiliation (unless independent) of the speaker. Individual presentations should be 20 minutes, with 10 minutes afterwards for questions. Panel submissions should include three papers (each with a 250-word abstract including five key words) ,a chair if possible, and a 100-word panel abstract. In both cases, please have ‘Submission 2018 conference’ as your email subject to help speed things along for us. We aim to confirm acceptance of papers within a month of the call for papers closing date.

Call closing date: 21 June 2018

Address for paper submissions/queries:

Website for registration:

Registration fees: £20 for unwaged/students – £40 for waged.

J.C. Beckett Annual Memorial Lecture, 7pm on 24 May 2018, at PRONI

The J.C. Beckett Annual Memorial Lecture for 2018 will be delivered by Professor Ian McBride (Oxford). Organised by the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies, it takes place at 7pm on 24 May at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

Prof. McBride will speak on ‘The Penal Times: The Catholic Church in Eighteenth-Century Ireland’.

The Lecture will be preceded by a Wine Reception at 6.15pm.

For more information on this and other USIHS events, see

Cfp: The 8th Annual Tudor and Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference

The 8th Annual Tudor and Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference will take place at Queen’s University Belfast on 24 & 25 August 2018. Proposals for papers are welcome on any aspect of Ireland during the Tudor and Stuart periods.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 25 April.

Full details are available on the conference website:

Plenary addresses will be delivered by Dr David Edwards (University College Cork) & Dr Deana Rankin (Royal Holloway,University of London).

Queries relating to the conference should be emailed to the organisers (John Cunningham, David Heffernan, Romano Mullin, Karie Schultz and Ramona Wray) at:

32nd Irish Conference of Historians, provisional programme announcement

The provisional programme of the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences’ Irish Conference of Historians (Thursday 26-28 April 2018) has been announced. It includes keynotes by Ruth M. Karras, Sheila Rowbotham, Michael G. Cronin, and Jeffrey Weeks.

For details of keynotes, please see here: Poster – ICH XXXII

For the provisional programme, please see here: Programme – ICH XXXIIPreview (opens in a new window)