Cfp: The 8th Annual Tudor and Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference

The 8th Annual Tudor and Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference will take place at Queen’s University Belfast on 24 & 25 August 2018. Proposals for papers are welcome on any aspect of Ireland during the Tudor and Stuart periods.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 25 April.

Full details are available on the conference website:

Plenary addresses will be delivered by Dr David Edwards (University College Cork) & Dr Deana Rankin (Royal Holloway,University of London).

Queries relating to the conference should be emailed to the organisers (John Cunningham, David Heffernan, Romano Mullin, Karie Schultz and Ramona Wray) at:

cfp. Irish Historical Society: special symposium ‘Does Irish History have a future?’

The Irish Historical Society will hold a special symposium, ‘Does Irish History have a future?’, in the Trinity Research Hub, at 7 pm, Tuesday, 17 April 2018. The purpose of the symposium is to explore the progress of Irish historical practice over the last 40 years and to explore its future practice in next four decades. The Society requests papers from specialists in Irish history who have received a doctorate in Irish history within the past four years to explore the above topics. Full details can be found here: IHS CFP Agenda for Irish History

cfp. Irish History Students Association’s 68th Annual Conference, deadline 22 December 2017

The Irish History Students’ Association is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for its 68th Annual Conference. Join us on the 23rd and 24th of February 2018 at Ulster University’s Magee Campus, located in the heart of the historic Walled City of Derry/Londonderry.

Proposals are invited for papers (in English or Irish) on any historical topic or period, from both undergraduates and postgraduates in Ireland, and those studying Irish history abroad. Abstracts of no more than 250 words for 20-minute research papers (approx. 2,500–3,000 words in length) should be submitted, along with a short personal biography of no more than 100 words.

Poster presentations are also invited. Posters should be A0 in size and may encompass any style or theme, similar to the criteria for written papers. Presenters should be prepared to speak for up to 10 minutes regarding their posters, with or without an accompanying short paper. Further details will be provided on request by emailing

All proposals should be submitted by email to no later than Friday the 22nd of December 2017. Abstracts and biographies should be submitted in the form of a word document attached to the email and should include: Full Name, Institutional Affiliation (if any), and Paper/Poster Title.

More details can be found at:


Workshop: The Archivist and the Historian, Maynooth University, 27 October 2017

Irish Association of Professional Historians (IAPH)

Date: 27 October 2017

Time: 10am – 3:30pm

Location: Renehan Hall, Maynooth University (map)

A limited number of places are available for this workshop.

Sign up: Email to reserve a place.

Fee: Free for members. €7.50 for non-members.

On 27 October IAPH presents a one day workshop entitled ‘The Archivist and the Historian’ in conjunction with Maynooth University Department of History. Here, various aspects of the relationship between archivists and historians will be examined. Among other things, archivists will explain to historians how they go about their job. We will address the most common challenges that researchers pose for archivists while working in an archive and the possibilities for greater co-operation between both sets of professionals.

Speakers and participants include Professor Raymond Gillespie (Maynooth University); Dr Jacinta Prunty (Maynooth University); Tom Quinlan (Keeper, National Archives of Ireland); Harriet Wheelock (Archivist, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland); Dr. Elizabeth Mullins (UCD); Dr Ciaran Wallace (TCD, The Virtual Record Treasury Project); Dr Brian Casey (UCD); Dr Benjamin Hazard (UCD); Barbara McCormack (Special Collections and Archives, Maynooth University) and Nicola Kelly (Archivist, Castletown House Archives).

Provisional Programme

10.00-11.30am Morning session I

Harriet Wheelock (RCPI) ‘Working with historians – the perfect prescription? The experience of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Archive’.

Benjamin Hazard (UCD) ’The Irish Overseas Archive in its early years: a study in the history of archives, 1954-72′.

Barbara McCormack / Nicola Kelly (Maynooth University) ‘Balancing preservation and access to unique and distinctive collections: the role of the custodian’.

11.30-11.45am Coffee break

11.45-13.15pm Morning session II

Brian Casey (UCD) (On Access and Permission) ’Perspectives from both sides of the desk: archivists and researchers’.

Ciarán Wallace (TCD) ‘The Beyond 2022 project – historians and archivists collaborating to reconstruct the destroyed Public Record Office of Ireland.’

‘Tom Quinlan (NAI) ‘What I ought to do, what I must do, what I do’: the day-to-day reality of being an archivist in central government archives’.

13.15-2.30pm Lunch break

2.30-3.30pm Final session (Roundtable discussion)

Contributors include Dr. Jacinta Prunty (Maynooth University); Prof. Raymond Gillespie (Maynooth University); Prof. Elizabeth Mullins (UCD)

Workshop: Botany in Early Modern Ireland, 17 Nov. 2017

A Joint Workshop of the Dublin Naturalists’ Field Club
and the
Edward Worth Library.

17 November 2017
in the
Boardroom of Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8.

9.30am-10.00am: Registration.

10.00am-11.00am: Session 1: Caleb Threlkeld and the first Irish Flora: Synopsis
Stirpium Hibernicarum.

Dr Emer Lawlor (Edward Worth Library, Dublin): ‘”There is some point we may
advance to”: Caleb Threlkeld’s Life and Sources.’

Dr Declan Doogue (DNFC): ‘Caleb Threlkeld’s plant records.’

11.00am-11.30am: Coffee break.

11.30am-12.30pm: Session 2: Botany in Ireland in the Seventeenth Century.

Dr Patrick Kelly (TCD): ‘The Molyneux brothers and the Dublin Philosophical
Society in the late seventeenth century’.

Dr Matthew Jebb (Botanic Gardens): Thomas Molyneux’s Herbarium Vivum: a
remarkable plant collection from 1661.’

12.30pm-2.00pm: Lunch.

2.00pm-3.00pm: Sessions 3: Botany in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century.

Mr Charles Shier (DNFC): ‘The Irish Landscape, 1650-1730.’

Ms Susan Hemmens (Marsh’s Library, Dublin): ‘Botanical works in Marsh’s Library.’

3.00-3.30pm: Tea break.

4.00pm: Keynote: Dr Charles Nelson (Honorary editor of Archives of Natural
History): ‘The Physic Garden at Trinity College, Dublin, in the early eighteenth

This will be followed by a viewing of a small botanical exhibition in the Worth
Library, which will include works and images from the Botanical Gardens, the
Edward Worth Library, the National Library and Trinity College Dublin.

Admission is free but booking is required. To book, please e-mail by
10 November 2017.

The Bredan Prendiville Memorial Lecture in Medical History: Fighting Epidemics: 1817 and 2017

Dr Ciarán Mc Cabe (Historian and Independent Scholar): ‘” Saving a populous nation
from pestilence”: the impact of the 1817-19 fever epidemic in Dublin city’


Dr Máire O’Connor (Department of Public Health, HSE): ‘Still protecting the
population from pestilence: Dr Steevens’ Hospital 2017.’

This joint lunchtime lecture will take place at
1.00pm on Thursday 28 September 2017
The Edward Worth Library,
Dr Steevens’ Hospital,
Dublin 8.

This lecture is a joint event organised by the Edward Worth Library and Dr Steevens’

As seating is limited, please either e-mail or phone 01
635 2215 to book a seat.

All remaining seats will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis!