ICHS Seminar 2024, Remember Professor Raymond Gillespie, 11.30am Saturday 23rd

The Irish Conference of Historical Sciences will hold it’s biennial symposium on the topic of Professor Raymond Gillespie’s impact on local history. Prof. Gillespie’s 1998 book co-authored with Myrtle Hill, Doing Irish Local History: pursuit and practice, opened up the field of local history to academic researchers and had an enduring legacy in educating generations of students in the field, and in encouraging academic rigour in the area of study. These points were reiterated in Prof. Gillespie’s paper to the ICHS symposium in Belfast in 2019 on the topic of public history. His contributions to many historical societies, including those affiliated with the ICHS, inspired engagement and excellence.

To reflect Prof. Gillespie’s legacy to local history the symposium will consist of two papers. Dr. Brendan Scott deliver a paper titled ‘The Book of Fenagh: a case study in local history’. Prof. Marian Lyons, Maynooth University, will give a paper entitled ‘Thomas Arthur, M.D. (1593-1675): a case study of medical practice and moneylending in Limerick’.

The seminar will be begin at 11.30am on Saturday 23rd November at the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland at 63 Merrion Square, and there will be light refreshments afterwards which will be a chance to remember Ray in an informal setting.  All are welcome but we would recommend booking a seat as it is limited. To do so please contact Kieran Hoare, our secretary at kieran.hoare@universityofgalway.ie by Friday 22nd November.